Maternal zinc insufficiency during pregnancy elevates the risks of preterm delivery:a population-bas
Increasing evidence demonstrated that zinc(Zn)insufficiency during pregnancy was linked with adverse pregnant outcomes.T......
Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy elevates the risks of preterm delivery:a population-b
Increasing evidence demonstrated that maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy was linked with adverse pregnant ou......
Single vs. Recurrent Episodes of Preeclampsia-population-based Epidemiological and Clinical Characte
Role of Cervical Cerclage and Vaginal Progesterone in the Treatment of Cervical Incompetence with/wi
Objective::The aims of this study were to determine the differences between women with single n vs. recurrent episo......
Maternal and obstetric risk factors associated with preterm delivery at a referral hospital in north
Objective: Preterm delivery is the second most leading cause of under-five deaths in the world and has been associated w......